Care to Help relies entirely on donations to fund construction of all of our water projects. All funding to date, has come from individuals and small businesses. Virtually 100% of funds donated will be used for construction of safe water projects in Vietnam. A very small percentage is used for printing, postage, and other fund raising costs. The principals of Care to Help are donating their time, offices and supplies as needed.

Project Sponsorship

If you, your business, or if you have a group of friends that are interested in sponsoring a village well project, please contact us at to discuss a village in need of safe drinking water. We will then keep you informed through emails and digital photos of the well construction process. A plaque will be placed on the completed well that acknowledges your gift to the village. After completion of the project, we will send you two framed photographs of the villagers and their well.

Won't you please help? Could you sponsor a project or send a donation? You can give a gift of clean water for as little as $5 per person.

Care to Help is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation under the U.S. Internal Revenue Service rules, and as such, contributions are tax-deductable.

All donations are confidential as to their source, we share no personal information.

Please use the donate button below or click here to donate now ...

If you experience complications donating online (or prefer the old fashioned way), you can contribute to Care to Help at the following address:

Care to Help Project
PO Box 20277
Seattle, WA 98102

For more information, contact us at